Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Couples in a healthy relationship locking hands together and posing for a photo

Do you ever wonder what makes a relationship truly healthy?  Sure, butterflies and fireworks are exciting, but what about the long haul?  Building a healthy relationship is about more than just initial chemistry and mere “I Love You” from the lips of both partners.


It’s about creating a strong foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support, not just for the moment but to stand the test of time. So, how can you tell if your relationship is on the right track?


In this article, we’ll explore the key signs of a healthy relationship and the building blocks that will help you distinguish whether you are in a healthy relationship or not. So, without much further ado, let’s get started with the topic for today, shall we?

What is a Healthy Relationship?

A healthy relationship is simply based on trust, love, honesty, and friendship. It is usually between two consenting people who discuss and share commonality in past experiences,  future dreams & relationship expectations together.

In such a relationship, both couples choose to keep open and honest communication between themselves and work collaboratively to create a long-lasting relationship despite the odds that come with bearing each other’s concerns.

They also tend to make living mindfully in their relationship a priority to avoid doing/saying things to intentionally cause their partner mental or emotional pain. Simply put – A healthy relationship is one that is not jealous, overbearing, controlling, manipulative, insecure, abusive, or self-centered.

4 Key Signs to Identify if You Are in a Healthy Relationship

Want to know if you are in a healthy relationship? Here are the 4 key signs you should watch out for. Let’s get started!

You both communicate openly and honestly with each other

In some relationships, one major red flag you will notice about the couples is that they don’t do well together in terms of communication. But in a healthy relationship, the reverse is the case. When the relationship is built on honesty and trust for each other, couples will be open and transparent to each other.

This includes not hiding feelings, thoughts, or opinions from their partner. It first starts from being in a relationship with someone you find confined in and you listen to them with empathy and interest. You also respect each other’s boundaries and privacy, and you don’t pressure or manipulate each other to do things you don’t want to do.

You trust each other

Having trust in each other is a valid sign that a relationship is healthy. Of course, if a relationship is built on sincerity you won’t feel the need to check your partner’s phone, email, or social media accounts to find out who he/she is talking to or where they last visited.  You definitely won’t have any business with that


That way, no one gets accused of lying or cheating without evidence.  If you trust your partner so much, you should know what they are capable of doing and what they are not.  You won’t draw unnecessary conclusions just because he/she wants some time alone, was laughing over a message that came in, and didn’t come home early after finishing work.


Instead allow your partner to have some “ME” time to pursue their hobbies, interests, and passions and you won’t get jealous or overly possessive of their attention.

You support each other

A healthy relationship should be all about supporting each other and not focusing on “Self” all the time.  When couples support each other,  it promotes oneness and creates strong bonds between them. That said, it would be far easier for them to achieve their goals working as a team than working individually.

Supporting each other can come in the form of celebrating notable achievements, successes, and landmarks achieved in the relationship. It doesn’t exempt being on each other’s shoulders in times of stress, setback, disappointment, or difficulty.

As couples who are intentional about building a healthy relationship, you don’t put each other down or criticize each other harshly. Instead, you encourage each other and learn new things. You also compromise and cooperate when you have disagreements or conflicts, and you don’t hold grudges or resentments.

You have fun together

Serious relationships don’t always mean good relationships. Without sounding judgemental, most serious relationships make the worst couples. You can know if a relationship is healthy when both partners enjoy each other’s company, whether it’s doing something exciting or relaxing.

Partners in a healthy fun-filled relationship often share common interests and values and have respect for each other’s differences and preferences. If couples share common interests they will be able to understand themselves better especially when it comes to knowing what your partner enjoys, understanding humor, and generally just having fun together.

4 Red Flags to Watch Out for in a Relationship

Now that you are familiar with the green flags of a healthy relationship let’s also discuss some of the noticeable red flags to watch out for in a relationship.

You feel unsafe or afraid of your partner

Is your partner physically, emotionally, verbally, or sexually abusive towards you? Do they threaten to harm you, themselves, or others if you leave them? If the answers are ‘Yes’, that’s a big red flag right there and it’s pretty obvious you don’t deserve to stay in such a terrible relationship with such a shitty person.

Fear isn’t a product of love and should never be existent in any good relationship. If they also isolate you from your family and friends, and they control your finances, public movements, or appearance it’s enough reason to leave.  You wouldn’t know any better if you don’t take the bold step to walk out of that relationship. You’re worth more so you deserve more.

You feel unhappy or dissatisfied with your partner.

It’s okay to feel unhappy on some days when life comes with its troubles but when being around your partner makes you feel like “I wish I had known” then it needs to be looked into.  This shouldn’t be overlooked as it can be a deal breaker for most people in relationships.

Feeling unhappy in a relationship could be that your partner is neglectful, indifferent, or dismissive of your needs, feelings, or opinions. They also cheat on you, lie to you, or break promises repeatedly.

They also blame you for everything that goes wrong in the relationship, and they never apologize or take responsibility for their actions. Should you find any of these present in your relationship, it’s advised that you walk away, it’s not safe to remain there.

You feel insecure or doubtful about your partner

Your partner is secretive, evasive, or inconsistent about their whereabouts, activities, or plans. They also flirt with other people in front of you, or they compare you unfavorably to their exes or others. They also make you feel guilty or ashamed of yourself, or they make fun of your appearance, abilities, or beliefs.

Over time, this erodes your self-esteem and fosters a sense of isolation. They may also exhibit controlling behavior, dictating who you can see or where you can go, further intensifying your feelings of insecurity. These behaviors are red flags that indicate an unhealthy relationship dynamic that needs to be addressed for your emotional well-being and personal growth.

You feel bored or restless with your partner

Your partner is dull, predictable, or uninterested in trying new things with you. They also have no goals, ambitions, or passions in life, or they discourage you from pursuing yours. They also have no friends, hobbies, or interests or they expect you to spend all your time with them.

This lack of engagement and enthusiasm for something meaningful can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration, as you might feel like you’re carrying the weight of the relationship alone, with no mutual effort to keep the spark alive or foster personal growth. It is a red flag you should look into before committing to a lifelong relationship so you don’t have to regret it.

Wrap Up

Healthy relationships aren’t about perfection but about growing and supporting each other through life’s ups and downs. It’s about feeling valued, understood, and cared for.

When both partners are committed to making it work, the relationship becomes a source of joy and strength. A healthy relationship is a journey, not a destination. Keep nurturing it, and it will continue to flourish.


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