Setting Boundaries with Technology for Better Mental Health

Technology has become deeply integrated into nearly every aspect of modern life. While tech devices and social media offer efficiency and connection, overuse can easily become problematic. The constant notifications, comparison to others’ lives, and inability to unplug can take a real toll on mental health. However, by establishing firm boundaries with technology, we can leverage its benefits while minimizing negatives. 

In our jet age, it seems we are constantly connected to technology. Smartphones, laptops, tablets, and smartwatches keep us plugged in 24/7. While technology has provided tremendous convenience to our lives, overuse and dependency on technology has been shown to negatively impact mental health. Setting healthy boundaries and limitations with tech is key for wellbeing. 

In this blog article, we will explore practical strategies to set healthy limits with tech for improved mental wellbeing.

The Effects of Tech Overuse

Technology has revolutionized access to information, communication, entertainment, shopping, and countless other aspects of life. 

Potential risks of technology overuse include:

The following are the two most common forms of risks that arise from overuse of technology;

Isolation – Replacing real world interactions with virtual relationships and interactions. Losing touch with family, friends, and community in the physical world.

Anxiety and depression – Research has found correlations between high technology use and increased mental distress. Teens especially appear vulnerable as their developing brains get wired to depend on tech stimulation.

Disconnecting from Tech 

Given the risks, it is vital to set firm boundaries regarding when, where, and how much we use technology. Consider an honest audit of your current use of smartphones, computers, TV, video games, and social media. When do you most struggle to put limits on technology use? Identify problem areas of overuse. 

Also reflect on your core values and priorities. Does time on devices support those values or detract from them? Is too much time spent consuming digital content rather than engaging in real world experiences?

Set Healthy Time Limits

To promote a healthy life balance, establish appropriate time limits for technology use. While occasional binge watching a show can be fine, it should not be the daily norm. Consider setting daily or weekly time limits such as:


  • 60 minutes maximum per day for social media use
  • 3 hours maximum per weeknight for TV/movies
  • 10 hour per week limit on video games 
  • All devices off by 10pm nightly 
  • 2 set times daily for checking/responding to email 
  • Laptop closed during family dinners
  •  Attending concerts or activities 100% phone-free

Experiment to determine reasonable limits that reduce excessive use without feeling deprived. Remember that life is meant to be lived, not just watched!

Design Tech-Free Zones/Times 

Establish certain physical spaces or times of day where technology is completely prohibited. 

Potential tech-free zones:

  • Bedrooms (keep chargers outside bedrooms)
  •  Family dinner table 
  •  Kids’ play spaces
  • Poolside or backyard relaxation spaces
  • Bathrooms
  • Tech-free times: 
  • During meals
  • For 1-2 hours before bedtime 
  • During workouts or sports 
  • When spending quality time with others
  • For full days during vacations or weekends
  • During spiritual practices or church services


Post reminders encouraging 100% presence in these spaces/times. Let people in your life know that you are establishing these boundaries.

Build in Tech Breaks

To accommodate our psychological need for periodic stimulation while also limiting obsessive use, build in structured tech breaks.  

For example:

  •  Set a timer allowing yourself 15 minutes to scroll social media after completing an hour of work. 
  • Establish that you will check texts only once mid-morning and once midafternoon daily.
  • Schedule app use during TV commercial breaks rather than constant snacking.
  • Take 5 minutes between study sessions to play a fast game.
  • Give yourself X number of song durations on a playlist for social media catch-up on vacation.

Ritualizing small tech breaks into your day can prevent cravings from building up into binging behavior.

Remove Triggers

Remove triggers from your environment that pull you into reflexive technology use throughout the day. 

Potential triggers to avoid:

  • Keeping phone face up on your desk where incoming texts/alerts attract attention
  • Watching TV while trying to complete other tasks
  • Keeping multiple distracting tabs/apps open simultaneously 
  • Charging devices on your nightstand where lights/notifications interrupt sleep
  •  Checking work email during time off work 

Eliminate triggers that disrupt focus or lead to mindless overuse. The fewer prompts in your surroundings, the less temptation.

Disable Specific Alerts

Turn off non-essential notifications that promote compulsive checking rather than using apps intentionally. For improved concentration, limit:

  • Social media alerts 
  • Non-urgent work email notifications
  • Badge icons or numbers displaying pending alerts
  • News update notifications 
  • Pointless productivity streaks or rewards

Only allow notifications for high priority communications. All other apps and sites can be accessed directly as needed without distracting you.

Substitute Healthy Activities

When you get an urge to binge TV or scroll for hours, have alternative activities planned that align with your values and care for your whole self. Channel the urge into less harmful outlets.

Potential substitutes for technology time:

  •  Reading books that enrich your mind
  • Engaging in offline hobbies like puzzles, painting, carpentry, etc.
  • Playing sports or engaging in exercise like yoga, biking, weightlifting
  • Spending quality time interacting with family or friends 
  • Exploring new places in nature/your community
  • Volunteer work helping those in need
  • Practicing meditation, prayer, or gratitude
  • Listening to music, playing instruments, singing
  • Completing pending household tasks or errands

Keep a running list of substitutes you can turn to when boredom or restlessness arises so you avoid defaulting to screens.

Schedule Tech-Free Days

To fully reclaim portions of your time, schedule entire device-free days on a regular basis, even just once a week. Mark them clearly on your calendar. 

Potential options: 

  • No tech Tuesdays 
  • Walking Wednesdays
  • Family Sundays 
  • wellness Saturdays

On these days, leave devices at home while at work, traveling or running errands. Do not use tech during family time all day. Let others know your phone will be off. At first this may feel uncomfortable. But stay busy with fulfilling offline activities. Soon you will cherish these much-needed tech breaks.

Use Apps to Help

Leverage the technology itself to promote healthy use of technology. Apps like Freedom, Space, AppDetox, Flipd, and OfftheGrid can block you from accessing apps or the wider internet for set periods. 

Use apps that:

  • Track daily/weekly time on each app 
  • Set usage limits for different categories
  • Restrict app access during certain times 
  • Block the internet entirely when needed
  • You define healthy limits and the apps hold you accountable. Let the tech encourage mindfulness!

Model for Children

For parents of young children, be especially aware of your own technology habits. Children look to parents to model appropriate use. Consider these tips:

  • Have screen-free family play time
  • Set technology limits for the whole family 
  •  Designate tech-free areas in your home
  • Engage kids with creative arts and crafts instead of tablet games
  • Play board games or sports in the yard instead of video games
  • Ban devices at the dinner table and talk as a family
  • Disengage from your own device use when with your kids
  • Avoid using devices as pacifiers when kids get fussy
  •  Set protections on content/time limits based on your child’s age
  • Make charging stations central (not in bedrooms)
  • Agreed upon consequences when limits are exceeded

Your children learn healthy technology habits from you. Set boundaries while their minds are still developing.

Overcome Setbacks 

Changing behaviors requires consistency and vigilance. You will likely experience setbacks where you slip back into overuse. Expect this! When it happens:

  •  Notice what triggered the tech binge. What emotional or situational need was being masked? Boredom? Stress? Avoidance? Loneliness? 
  • Reflect on how the excessive use impacted you negatively. How did you feel afterward?
  • Consider what alternative activity could better meet your needs in a healthy way. 
  • Forgive the slip-up and recommit to your boundaries without self-blame. We are all human.

Growth rarely follows a straight path. With self awareness and patience, turn setbacks into opportunities for redirected efforts. 

Leverage Supportive Community

  • Let others support you on your path toward better tech balance. Potential sources of community:
  •  Friends/family who can motivate you and keep you accountable to set limits
  • Co-workers who can respect boundaries you set around work tech use
  • Online groups working to reduce tech addiction
  • Counselors/therapists providing professional support and tools
  • Like-minded social media groups sharing tips but encouraging moderation
  • Local clubs/meetups centered on tech-free hobbies and activities
  •  Places of worship that guide mindful living practices

We are social creatures. While overusing isolating tech, remember that healthy relationships can reinforce desired change.

Consider a Technology Fast

For those feeling completely overwhelmed by compulsive tech behaviors, consider a more extensive technology fast. This means completely abstaining from optional tech use for a period of days or weeks. 

Potential fast guidelines:

  • No personal online use – only work devices if absolutely necessary
  • No texting or calling except for critical needs
  • Remove apps/alerts from your devices 
  • Spend time away from your normal surroundings
  • Limit passive entertainment like TV as well
  • Focus on reflection, nature, socializing, relaxation, self-care

This reset lets your brain unplug from intensive stimulation. Be in the moment without distraction. When the fast period ends, rebuild habits aligned with your values. 

Notice Positive Changes

As you establish boundaries that honor your needs, take note of positive changes that occur:

  • Renewed interest in offline hobbies 
  • Less anxiety about what others are doing
  • Ability to focus for longer periods
  • Less comparing yourself to unrealistic standards
  • Better sleep quality and energy levels
  • Increased productivity and creativity
  •  More time spent outdoors and active
  •  Overall greater joy and contentment

Collect anecdotes and metrics that reinforce benefits of your efforts and inspire continued mindfulness. 

Final words

Aiming for balance with technology is a continuous life process. You just keep improving at it, rewiring and structuring your habits, and with consistency you can build a healthy tech relationship that does more good than harm to you.


Approach the journey with self-compassion, curiosity and patience. Prioritize self-care and meaningful interactions. Discover more activities that spark joy independent of devices. Your mental health and sense of purpose will thank you!

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