Online Dating Safety Tips- 6 Healthy Tips to Keep You Safe

Couples on a date in an eatery, toasting to a wine while smiling to themselves.

Personal safety is an important topic of discourse when it comes to dating online. Whether it is your first online date or not, being conscious of your personal information and the other person in question cannot be overemphasized.

While the vast majority of online dating experiences go without incident, there are enough stories of online dating gone bad that it will rightfully make even the most adventurous and trusting person nervous before building themselves an online dating profile.

In this article, we will discuss some really helpful online dating tips to follow if you must protect your image and private information when looking for love on dating platforms like Tinder, Hinge, etc. So, before you hit up that person online, I think this is a must-read for you.

6 Online Dating Safety Tips

The standard principles of personal safety are equally applicable to online dating, as they are to anything else. However, there are several things to keep in mind specifically when it comes to online dating – as it introduces a whole new breed of safety concerns.

Someone can learn a lot about you from your profile just by looking at it – what you look like, what you love to do, what city you live in, what kind of work you do, and possibly even your name or social media handle.

Accordingly, you should take these three safety precautions when it comes to entering the sphere of online dating, especially in 2024…

Use Pictures that Can’t be Found Anywhere Else


You know that perfect selfie you took last week that you were so excited about using for your profile picture on all of your social media handles? Go ahead and use it anywhere except your online dating profile. You may be wondering why.


Well, using the Google reverse image search function, anyone can see where else you’ve used that picture. As in, I can take a copy of your OkCupid picture, search for that picture on Google, and it will show me other places where the exact image shows up.


So, let’s say I find that same picture on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, you name it, I would be able to also access other information that you reveal on your profiles (For instance, your full name, college, workplace, or various other details about your life).


Sounds scary, isn’t it? But even if you think you give out relatively little information on your profile, you don’t want to underestimate what someone could do with that small bit of information you revealed online.

Be Very Selective About the Information You Give Out

This measure applies to any profile of yours that’s visible to the public, and even information you give people privately on social media or online dating platforms. Obviously, you’re not going to give me your home address or your credit card number.

But if I know that you live in Lagos, you’re studying at Babcock, and your first name is Amber- it won’t take me much to look up “Amber” on Facebook, apply the filters of “City: Lagos” and “School: Babcock”, and scroll through the results to see a picture that looks like you to find your Facebook profile.

Now, you might say “That information is out there anyway”. But that’s easy to say when you haven’t met a crazy stalker just yet. You’ll likely feel very differently when that moment comes – which is why I advise being proactive.

When something as simple as your first name can lead anyone with half a brain to your social media and other places where you may have your information displayed, consider what other seemingly meaningless details might reveal about you. So then, it’s safe to stay selective!

Tell Someone Where You’ll be, and When they Should Expect to Hear from You

It doesn’t matter how safe you think you’re being, or how sure you are that the person you’re meeting is exactly who they say they are. You are still meeting a stranger from the internet and it’s very important that you adhere to online dating safety precautions.

You don’t want to end up a victim on your first online date so here is what you should do. Send a friend or family a quick text saying “Hey, I’m going on a Tinder date at the MrBiggs on Main Street at 2:00 pm today. I’ll text you when I get there, and when it’s over to let you know I’m safe.

Sounds good?”. Also, consider sending that same friend or family screenshots of the other person’s profile just so he/she can be aware of the person you are with.  Hopefully, they won’t have to use it. But if they need to, you’ll both be glad they had it.

Be Clear About Your Expectations and Ensure that You are Both on the Same Page

Be upfront about what you’re looking for. Are you seeking a casual fling, a potential long-term relationship, or something in between?  Letting your date know your intentions upfront helps avoid misunderstandings and wasted time.

Even before getting to meet, you both can discuss deal breakers. Everyone has them! Whether it’s smoking, wanting (or not wanting) kids, or religious beliefs,  sharing these dealbreakers early can prevent emotional attachments to someone incompatible in the long run.

If you’re seeking something casual, grabbing coffee or drinks in a public place is a great option. If you’re looking for a deeper connection, consider activities that allow for conversation, like visiting a museum or exploring a new part of town.

As you get to know your date, your initial expectations might evolve. Be open to honest communication and be willing to adapt as you learn more about each other. In all, remember that communication is key!

Meet in Public, Stay in Public

If you’re a woman, don’t go to a private place with a guy unless you want to have sex. It doesn’t matter how sweet a guy he is, unless you’re attracted to him enough to have sex with him don’t go to his place for any reason.

Does this mean that you’ll be unsafe?

No, 99% of the time you’ll be fine to go to his place and say no to sex. But there will likely be miscommunication because some guys may want to have something to do with you rather than just being a friend. And he will probably get butthurt when you turn him down.

To add to what has already been said, as a woman,  understand that friendship isn’t the first thing on his mind. You can meet friends from online dating platforms but the majority of the time, the person you meet may be looking for a casual partner he wants to get along with.

Hence, it’s important to be aware of his motives before you tick the boxes green.  More so, if he calls you up to visit him at his house please insist on meeting in an open space. It could be at a restaurant, a coffee shop, or just anywhere that is public enough to feel safe.

Wrap Up

Online dating is a great way to meet new people. You may be surprised to know how many people have been lucky enough to meet their heartthrobs through online dating platforms. However, it may not always be a smooth experience as some people have shared their own ugly encounters.

Most often than not, a high percentage of victims are females and as such, this is geared a lot more towards women than it is towards men, since it is from this perspective that the majority of safety concerns come from.

That being said, adhering to these safety precautions is not a choice; rather, it is necessary if you must stay safe in online dating. It’s a lot easier to preserve your existing privacy when you still have it than it is to attempt to reclaim it once you’ve lost it to someone with ill intentions.

Personal safety is an important topic of discourse when it comes to dating online. Whether it is your first online date or not, being conscious of your personal information and the other person in question cannot be overemphasized.

While the vast majority of online dating experiences go without incident, there are enough stories of online dating gone bad that it will rightfully make even the most adventurous and trusting person nervous before building themselves an online dating profile.

In this article, we will discuss some really helpful online dating tips to follow if you must protect your image and private information when looking for love on dating platforms like Tinder, Hinge, etc. So, before you hit up that person online, I think this is a must-read for you.

That being said, adhering to these safety precautions is not a choice; rather, it is necessary if you must stay safe in online dating. It’s a lot easier to preserve your existing privacy when you still have it than it is to attempt to reclaim it once you’ve lost it to someone with ill intentions.

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