Developing Essential Negotiation Skills To Secure A Higher Salary In Nigeria

A hand punching a calculator and another pointing at something on a plain sheet.

In Nigeria’s competitive job market, securing a job with a good salary is not easy. Why is this? Well it’s because employers feel like there are other people like you out there that are willing to go below their salary bottom line just to secure a job,  This is why you need to develop Negotiation skills. Learn how to negotiate and also how to make good use of it when trying to secure a fat paycheck . What are the negotiation skills and how do you make use of them? Find out in this guide as it is written for the sole purpose of equipping you with the essential tools to confidently negotiate a higher salary in your next Nigerian job offer

Developing a negotiation skill is very important when trying to demand for a desired salary, it’s a good way to compel your employers to see the reasons why you deserve to earn more.

Know Your Market Value

First thing to do before you start negotiating is to research your market worth. You need to know how much people will pay for somebody of your standard and qualifications. The process involves making research and understanding the average salary range for your qualifications, experience level, and your job location. Ask a friend who is in the same line of work or with the same qualifications as you how much they earn.

Quantify Your Accomplishment

Negotiating your salary with your employer with words isn’t enough. Don’t just tell them you are valuable and indispensable, you need to prove it. Compile a list of your  achievements that demonstrate your potential, your academic qualifications, your experience level and the achievement you’ve made over the years and tender it to them.  With this done, you will be able to give them reasons why they have to increase your salary. 

Develop A Negotiation Strategy

Certainly you are here reading this content to develop your negotiation skills in Nigeria, to do this you need to Develop your own negotiation strategy. Plan your targeted salary using your accomplishment and market value, while making research to know whether your employer can afford it. And remember everything won’t always work as you planned, so be prepared to walk away if the offer falls below your bottom line. 

Horn Your Communication Skills

Since you will be communicating directly or indirectly during your negotiation, make sure there are no flaws in your speech or text. Speak with confidence and make sure there are no detectable flaws or weaknesses in your words. confidently talk to your potential employers about the reasons why you deserve a better salary using your accomplishments and qualifications. Tell them about your professionalism and why you are an important asset to them . 

Focus on Collaboration, Avoid Conflict

Before you start the negotiation process, have it at the back of your mind that both parties are free to tender their price. No matter the price called, you don’t have to get angry. If you are dissatisfied with the amount tendered, you are free to disagree. But in a respectable way. Frame your requests in a way that benefits both you and the company, also tell them how you are ready to dedicate your commitment to the company’s success and how you are willing to contribute to the company’s growth.

Body Language Matters

First impressions matter a lot,  Make eye contact, maintain good posture, and showcase your confidence level through your body language. Avoid shaking or sweating, as they are signs of  nervousness or fear.

Engage In Mock Practice

Practice makes perfect, the more you practice negotiating, the better you get.  Practice with a friend, family member, or career advisor as it makes you more comfortable. Ask people for reviews and take corrections. 

The Power of Silence

You don’t reply to every question and also you are not supposed to keep mute every time a question is thrown at you, learn when to be silent and when to give a reply. You might think this is a bad idea, but trust me Silence can be a powerful tool during negotiations. Don’t feel pressured to give answers  to every question in a conversation.  Allow the employer to reflect on their salary choice and see the reasons to take your points into consideration. 

Be Prepared to Walk Away

Yes, be prepared to walk away. Some employers tend to give amounts that are far below your bottom line. When they do this, simply Walk away. This shows your level of confidence and commitment to securing your desired salary.  However, don’t play hard to get, reiterate your interest in the role and express a desire to find a mutually agreeable solution.

Negotiate More Than Just Salary

Although Salary should be your top priority, it shouldn’t be the only factor. Consider requesting for other bonuses like paid vacation, health insurance plans, professional development opportunities, or flexible work arrangements. But don’t forget salary should still be the most important. 

Skills Required To Negotiate A Higher Salary In Nigeria

Here are key skills to develop for effective salary negotiations:

  • Be Confidence: This should be considered the most important skill. You need to believe in your worth/ market value.
  • Communication: Know how to make your employer understand that you are the best man for the job. 
  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to the employer’s offer and look for loopholes to counter.
  • Make Research: Make findings about the company’s financial state, your job position in the company and also your salary benchmark.
  • Assertiveness: Don’t be afraid to tell your employer your desired salary. However you shouldn’t go above the lines and don’t forget to keep things professional.


In today’s Nigeria competitive job market, developing a negotiation skill is very important as some employers tend to go below bottom lines. When applying for a job, and you feel like the salary involved is too small for you, don’t hesitate to negotiate. How can you negotiate and what skills do you require? Kindly scroll up for more details. 

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